
重庆统计年鉴 ,栏目:8 城镇建设和环境保护>>8-6城镇公共交通情况(2005-2006年),共1页

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Public Traffic in Urban Area(2005-2006) 
指标 Item 全市    
Total Total of Districts
2005 2006 2005 2006
营运客车 Operating Public Vehicles
年末营运线路网长度(公里) Year-end Length of Public Transportation
*** *** *** ***
运营车数(辆) Year-end Operating Public Buses(vehicle) *** *** *** ***
#天然气燃料车     Vehicles of Natural Gas *** *** *** ***
客运量(万人次) Passengers Traffic(10 000 person-times) *** *** *** ***
轻轨 Light Rail Transits
通车里程(公里) Length of Light Rail Transits in Operation *** *** *** ***
车辆数(辆) Number of Vehicles(vehicle) *** *** *** ***
客运量(万人次) Passengers Traffic(10 000 person-times) *** *** *** ***
缆车 Cable Cars
缆车道条数(条) Number of Cable Car Line(line) *** *** *** ***
车辆数(辆) Number of Vehicles(vehicle) *** *** *** ***
客运量(万人次) Passengers Traffic(10 000 person-times) *** *** *** ***
客运架空索道 Ropeway of Building on Stilts
索道条数(条) Number of Ropeway(line) *** *** *** ***
客车数(辆) Number of Vehicles(vehicle) *** *** *** ***
客运量(万人次) Passengers Traffic(10 000 person-times) *** *** *** ***
轮渡 Ferries
年末实有轮渡总数(艘) Year-end Total Ferries(vessel) *** *** *** ***
出租汽车 Taxis
车辆数(辆) Number of Vehicles(vehicle) *** *** *** ***