
重庆统计年鉴 ,栏目:8 城镇建设和环境保护>>8-5城镇供水及供气情况(2005-2006年),共1页

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Water and Gas Supply in Urban Area(2005-2006) 
指标 Item 全市    
Total Total of Districts
2005 2006 2005 2006
城镇供水 Water Supply in Urban Area
Year-end Comprehensive Productive Capacity
of Water Supply(10 000 cu.m/day)
*** *** *** ***
年末供水管道长度(公里 Year-end Length of Water Supply Pipelines(km) *** *** *** ***
供水总量(万立方米) Total Volume of Water Supply(10 000 cu.m) *** *** *** ***
#生产运营用水    Production and Operation *** *** *** ***
    公共服务用水     Public Services *** *** *** ***
    居民家庭用水     Households *** *** *** ***
    消防及其他用水     Fires and Other Purposes *** *** *** ***
用水户数(户) Households with Access to Tap Water
*** *** *** ***
#家庭用户     Residential Households *** *** *** ***
用水人口(万人) Number of Residents with Access to Tap Water
(10 000 persons)
*** *** *** ***
城镇供气 Gas Supply in Urban Area
天然气供气总量(万立方米) Total Natural Gas Supply(10 000 cu.m) *** *** *** ***
#家庭用量     Used by Residential Households *** *** *** ***
天然气用气户数(户) Households with Access to Natural Gas
*** *** *** ***
#家庭用户     Residential Households *** *** *** ***
天然气用气人口(万人) Population with Access to Natural Gas
(10 000 persons)
*** *** *** ***
天然气汽车加气站(个) Natural Gas Stations for Motor Vehicles(unit) *** *** *** ***
液化石油气供气总量(吨 Total Liquefied Petroleum Gas Supply(ton) *** *** *** ***
#家庭用量     Used by Residential Households *** *** *** ***
液化石油气用气户数(户 Households with Access to Liquefied Petroleum
*** *** *** ***
#家庭用户     Residential Households *** *** *** ***
液化石油气用气人口(万人) Population with Access to Liquefied Petroleum
Gas(10 000 persons)
*** *** *** ***