
重庆统计年鉴 ,栏目:2 国民经济核算>>2-10按支出法计算的重庆市生产总值(2005-2006年),共1页

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Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach(2005-2006) 
单位:亿元 (100 million yuan) 
项目 Item 2005 2006
本市生产总值 Gross Domestic Product *** ***
最终消费支出 Final Consumption Expenditure *** ***
  居民消费支出     Household Consumption Expenditure *** ***
    食品类支出         Foods *** ***
    衣着类支出         Clothes *** ***
    居住类支出         Residence *** ***
    家庭设备、用品及服务类支         Family Facilities and Servises *** ***
    医疗保健类支出         Medical and Hygiencic Expenditure *** ***
    公共医疗消费支出         Public Health *** ***
    交通和通信类支出      Traffic and Telecommunications *** ***
    文教娱乐用品及服务类支出         Teathing,Entertainment and Services *** ***
    金融中介服务虚拟支出         Fictitious Expenditure of Middle Financal Services *** ***
    金融机构实际服务消费支出         Actual Services of Financial Organizations *** ***
    保险服务消费支出         Consumption of Insurance Services *** ***
    自有住房服务虚拟支出         Fictitious Expenditure of Own Housing Services *** ***
    实物消费支出         Reality Consumption *** ***
    其他商品和服务类支出         Other Goods and Services *** ***
  #农村居民支出         Agricaltural Households Expenditure *** ***
      食品类支出             Foods *** ***
      衣着类支出             Clothes *** ***
      居住类支出             Residence *** ***
      家庭设备、用品及服务类支出             Family Facilities and Servises *** ***
      医疗保健类支出             Medical and Hygiencic Expenditure *** ***
      公共医疗消费支出             Public Health *** ***
      交通和通信类支出          Traffic and Telecommunications *** ***
      文教娱乐用品及服务类支             Teathing,Entertainment and Services *** ***
      金融中介服务虚拟支出             Fictitious Expenditure of Middle Financal Services *** ***
      金融机构实际服务消费支             Actual Services of Financial Organizations *** ***
      保险服务消费支出             Consumption of Insurance Services *** ***
      自有住房服务虚拟支出             Fictitious Expenditure of Own Housing Services *** ***
      其他商品和服务类支出             Other Goods and Services *** ***