
四川统计年鉴 2008,栏目:2综合>>2-6 林业重点工程建设情况,共1页

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Area of Key Afforestation Projects 
指标   Item   2007
天然林保护工程 Preserve of Natural Forest
工程区木材产量 *** Timber Output of Project Area *** ***
当年造林面积 *** Area under Afforestation in Current Year *** ***
    用材林 ***    Timber Forest *** ***
    经济林 ***    By-product Forest *** ***
    防护林 ***    Protection Forest *** ***
    薪炭林 ***    Fuel Forest *** ***
    特种用途林 ***    Forest for Special Purpose *** ***
封山育林面积 *** Area of Mountain Sealed for Forest Breeding *** ***
年末森林管护面积 *** Area of Forest Preserved(year-end) *** ***
年末全部在册职工人数 *** Staff and Workers Listed(year-end) (person) ***
    #本年一次性安置人数 ***    Installed one-off in the year (person) ***
年末实有离退休人数 *** Retirees(year-end) (person) ***
年末参加基本养老保险社会统筹人数 *** Employees and Retirees Contributed to Pension Insurance(year-end) (person) ***
退耕还林工程 Grain for Green Projects  
当年人工造林面积 *** Manual Planting Area in Current Year *** ***
    退耕地造林面积 ***    Afforestation Area of Grain for Green Project ***
        生态林 ***       Ecological Forest ***
        经济林 ***       By-product Forest ***
    荒山荒地造林面积 ***    Afforestation Area on Desolate Mountain and Land *** ***
本年新封 *** Area of Mountain Newly Sealed for Forest Breeding in current year ***
当年粮款兑现退耕地总面积 *** Area of Grain Encashed for Green Project in Current Year *** ***
当年粮款兑现涉及户数 *** Household of Grain Encashed for Green in Current Year *** ***
野生动植物保护 Preserve of Wild Animals and Plants
年末实有野生动植物保护区数 *** Number of Nature Reserves(year-end) (unit) ***
        国家级 ***    State (unit) ***
        省级 ***    Province (unit) ***
年末实有野生动植物保护区面积 *** Area of Nature Reserves(year-end) *** ***