
重庆统计年鉴 2008,栏目:8 城镇建设>>8-2 城镇基础设施水平,共1页

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Level of Public Facilities in Urban Area(2006-2007) 
项目 Item 全市    
Total Total of Districts
2006 2007 2006 2007
人均日生活用水量(升) Per Capita Daily Water Consumption for Living(liter) *** *** *** ***
用水普及率(%) Percentage of Population with Access to Tap Water(%) *** *** *** ***
燃气普及率(%) Percentage of Population with Access to Gas(%) *** *** *** ***
每万人拥有公共交通车辆(标台) Public Transport Vehicles Owned Per 10 000 Persons(vehicle) *** *** *** ***
人均道路面积(平方米) Per Capita Area of Paved Roads(sq.m) *** *** *** ***
污水处理厂集中处理率(% Intensive Treatment Rate of Polluted Water by Special Factories(%) *** *** *** ***
人均公共绿地面积(平方米 Per Capita Public Green Land(sq.m) *** *** *** ***
建成区绿地率(%) Rate of Green Area to Developed Area(%) *** *** *** ***
建成区绿化覆盖率(%) Rate of Afforestation Covered Area to Developed Area(%) *** *** *** ***
Note:Data of average population refer to registration statistics.