
新疆统计年鉴 2008,栏目:第十八篇 体育、卫生及其他>>18-16 城市前十位疾病死亡原因及构成,共1页

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Death Causes and Percentage of Top 10 Diseases in Urban Areas 
疾病死亡原因 Cause of Death 占死亡总人数的比重(%)
Percentage to Total Deaths(%)
十种死因合计 Total ***
循环系统 Circulatory system ***
肿瘤 Malignant Tumour ***
呼吸系统 Diseases of the Respiratory System ***
诊断不明 Diagnosis in nubibus ***
损伤和中毒 Trauma and Toxicosis ***
内分泌 Internal secretion ***
消化系统 Disease of the Digestive System ***
传染病 Infections Disease ***
泌尿生殖系统 Disease of the Genifourinary system ***
起源于围生期的某些情况 Diseases of the Nervous system ***
Note:Statistics in Data Covers Urumqi and its Districts.