新疆统计年鉴 2008,栏目:第九篇 自然资源和环境保护>>9-8 环境保护基本情况,共1页
9-8环境保护基本情况 |
Basic Statistics on
Environmental Protection |
项目 |
Item |
2006 |
2007 |
水环境 |
Water |
废水排放总量(亿吨) |
Waste Water Discharge(100 million tons) |
*** |
*** |
工业废水排放量 |
Industry |
*** |
*** |
城镇生活废水排放量 |
Non-industrial |
*** |
*** |
工业废水排放达标量(亿吨) |
Industrial Waste Water Meeting Discharge Standards(100 million
tons) |
*** |
*** |
工业废水排放达标率(%) |
Percentage of Industrial Waste Water Meeting Discharge
Standards(%) |
*** |
*** |
化学需氧量排放量(万吨) |
Discharge Amount of COD(10 000 tons) |
*** |
*** |
工业化学需氧量排放量 |
Industry |
*** |
*** |
城镇生活化学需氧量排放量 |
Non-industrial |
*** |
*** |
氨氮排放量(万吨) |
Ammonia Nitrogen Discharge(10 000 tons) |
*** |
*** |
工业氨氮排放量 |
Industry |
*** |
*** |
城镇生活氨氮排放量 |
Non-industrial |
*** |
*** |
大气环境 |
Atmosphere Environment |
工业废气排放量(亿标立方米) |
Industrial Waste Air Emission(100 million cu.m) |
*** |
*** |
燃料燃烧 |
Fuels Burning |
*** |
*** |
生产工艺 |
Process |
*** |
*** |
二氧化硫排放量(万吨) |
Sulphur Dioxide Emission(10 000 tons) |
*** |
*** |
工业 |
Industry |
*** |
*** |
生活 |
Non-industrial |
*** |
*** |
烟尘排放量(万吨) |
Soot Emission(10 000 tons) |
*** |
*** |
工业 |
Industry |
*** |
*** |
生活 |
Non-industrial |
*** |
*** |
工业粉尘排放量(万吨) |
Industrial Dust Emission(10 000 tons) |
*** |
*** |
固体废物 |
Solid Wastes |
工业固体废物产生量(万吨) |
Industrial Solid Wastes Produced(10 000 tons) |
*** |
*** |
#危险废物 |
Hazardous Wastes |
*** |
*** |
工业固体废物综合利用量(万吨) |
Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized(10 000 tons) |
*** |
*** |
工业固体废物综合利用率(%) |
Ratio of Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized(%) |
*** |
*** |
工业固体废物排放量(万吨) |
Industrial Solid Wastes Discharged(10 000 tons) |
*** |
*** |
“三废”综合利用产品产值(亿元) |
Output Value of Products Made from Waste
Gas,WasteWater&Solid Wastes(100 million yuan) |
*** |
*** |
生态环境 |
Eco-Environment Protection |
当年造林面积(万公顷) |
Area of Reforestation of the Year(10 000 hectares) |
自然保护区数(个) |
Number of Nature Reserves(unit) |
*** |
*** |
#国家级 |
National Level |
*** |
*** |
自然保护区面积(万公顷) |
Area of Nature Reserves(10 000 hectares) |
*** |
*** |
自然保护区面积占辖区面积比重(%) |
Area of Nature Reserves in Regions(%) |
*** |
*** |
生态示范区数(个) |
Number of Demonstration Zones of Ecology(unit) |
*** |
*** |
#国家级 |
National Level |
*** |
*** |
天然湿地面积(万公顷) |
Area of Wetland(10 000 hectares) |
*** |
*** |
天然湿地面积占土地总面积比重(%) |
Proportion of natural wetland in Total area of Territory(%) |
*** |
*** |
自然灾害 |
Natural Disaster |
发生地质灾害起数(次) |
Geological Disaster(case) |
*** |
*** |
#滑坡 |
Landslide |
*** |
*** |
崩塌 |
Collapse |
*** |
*** |
泥石流 |
Mudflow |
*** |
*** |
发生地震灾害次数(次) |
Seismic Disaster(case) |
*** |
*** |
#5.0级以上 |
Magnitude above 5 Richter scale |
*** |
*** |
森林火灾次数(次) |
Forest Fire(case) |
*** |
*** |
森林火灾受灾面积(公顷) |
Fire-Affected Forest Area(hectare) |
*** |
*** |
森林病虫害发生面积(万公顷) |
Forest Area Affected by Disease and Pests(10 000 hectares) |
*** |
*** |
森林病虫害防治面积(万公顷) |
Forest Area Provented and Cured from Disease and Pests(10 000
hectares) |
*** |
*** |
森林病虫害防治率(%) |
Rate of Prevention and Cure(%) |
*** |
*** |
环境污染治理投资 |
Investment in the Treaiment of Environmental Pollution |
环境污染治理投资总额(万元) |
Total Investment in Pollution Treatment(10 000 yuan) |
*** |
*** |
城镇环境基础设施建设投资额 |
Investment in Urban Environment Infrastructure |
*** |
*** |
#污水处理 |
Volume of Waste Water |
*** |
*** |
垃圾处理 |
Volume of Garbage Disposal |
*** |
*** |
燃气 |
Gas Supply |
*** |
*** |
集中供热 |
Central Heating |
*** |
*** |
园林绿化 |
Landscape and
Greening |
*** |
*** |
工业污染治理项目年完成投资总额 |
Investment Completed in Industrial Pollution Treatment
Projects |
*** |
*** |
治理废水 |
Waste Water |
*** |
*** |
治理废气 |
Waste Gas |
*** |
*** |
治理固体废物 |
Solid Wastes |
*** |
*** |
治理噪声 |
Noise Pollution |
*** |
*** |
治理其他 |
Others |
*** |
*** |
实际执行“三同时”项目环保投资总额 |
Investment in"Three Simultaneity"Projects |
*** |
*** |
治理废水 |
Waste Water |
*** |
*** |
治理废气 |
Waste Gas |
*** |
*** |
治理固体废物 |
Solid Wastes |
*** |
*** |
治理噪声 |
Noise Pollution |
*** |
*** |
其他 |
Others |
*** |
*** |
环境污染治理投资总额占新疆生产总值比重(%) |
Investment in Pollution Treatment Out of XJ GDP(%) |
*** |
*** |
当年施工工业污染治理项目数(个) |
Number of Projects in Industrial Pollution Treatment under
Construction of The Year(unit) |
*** |
*** |
当年竣工工业污染治理项目数(个) |
Number of Projects Completed in Industrial Pollution Treatment
of the Year Projects(unit) |
*** |
*** |