
新疆统计年鉴 2007,栏目:第五篇 固定资产投资>>5-6 按行业分的全社会固定资产投资和新增固定资产,共1页

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5-6  按行业分的全社会固定资产投资和新增固定资产 
Total Investment and Newly Increased Fixed Assets by Sectors 
单位:万元 (10 000 yuan) 
    Sector 全社会固定    
资产投资额 固定资产
Total Investment in Fixed Assets Newly Increased Fixed Assets
  Total *** ***
农、林、牧、渔业 Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishing *** ***
  Agriculture *** ***
  Forestry *** ***
畜牧业 Animal Husbandry *** ***
  Fishing *** ***
农、林、牧、渔服务业 Services Activities for Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishing *** ***
采矿业 Mining and Quarrying *** ***
煤炭开采和洗选业 Mining and Washing of Coal *** ***
石油和天然气开采业 Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas  *** ***
#天然原油和天然气开采 Extraction of Ores Crude Oil and Natural Gas Extraction  *** ***
黑色金属矿采选业 Mining and Processing of Ferrous Metals Ores *** ***
#铁矿采选 Mining and Processing of Iron Ore *** ***
有色金属矿采选业 Mining and Processing of Nonferrous Metals Ores *** ***
#常用有色金属矿采选 Mining and Processing of Common Non-ferrous Metal *** ***
非金属矿采选业 Processing of Nonmetal Ores *** ***
#土砂石开采 Mining of Earth and Gravel *** ***
化学矿采选 Extracting of Chemical Ore  *** ***
  Extracting of Salt *** ***
制造业 Manufacturing *** ***
农副食品加工业 Processing of Food from Agricultural Products *** ***
#制  Sugar Making *** ***
食品制造业 Manufacture of Food *** ***
#液体乳及乳制品制造 Manufacture of Liquid Milk and Dairy Products *** ***
饮料制造业 Manufacture of Beverage *** ***
纺织业 Manufacture of Textile  *** ***
#棉、化纤纺织及印染精加工 Cotton, Chemical Fiber, Dyeing, Printing and Processing *** ***
毛纺织和染整精加工 Dyeing and Printing of Wool Textile *** ***
麻纺织 Manufacture of Flax Textile *** ***
纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业 Textile Wearing Apparel,Footware and Caps Manufacturing *** ***
皮革、毛皮、羽绒及其制品业 Leather, Fur, Feather and Related Products Manufacturing *** ***
木材加工及竹、藤、棕、草制品业 Processing of Timber, Wood, Bamboo, Cane, Grass Products *** ***
家具制造业 Furniture Manufacturing *** ***
造纸及纸制品业 Paper and Paper Products Manufacturing *** ***
印刷业、记录媒介的复制 Printing and Copying of Medium for Record *** ***
石油加工及炼焦业 Oil Processing, Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing *** ***
#精炼石油产品的制造 Manufacture of Oil Products *** ***
炼 焦 Coking *** ***
化学原料及化学制品制造业 Raw Chemical Material and Chemical Products *** ***
#基础化学原料制造 Basic Chemical Material *** ***
肥料制造 Fertilizer Making *** ***
医药制造业 Medicine Manufacturing *** ***
#中药饮片加工 Processing of Chinese Herbs and Tablet  *** ***
中成药制造 Manufacture of Chinese Herbs and Patent Medicine  *** ***
化学纤维制造业 Chemical Fiber Manufacturing *** ***
橡胶制品业 Rubber Products Manufacturing *** ***
塑料制品业 Plastic Products Manufacturing *** ***
非金属矿物制品业 Manufacture of Plastics *** ***
#水泥、石灰和石膏的制造 Cement Manufacturing *** ***
黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业 Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals *** ***
#钢压延加工 Steel Rolling *** ***
有色金属冶炼及压延加工业 Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals *** ***
#常用有色金属冶炼 Smeltering of Common Non-ferrous Metal *** ***
金属制品业 Metal Products Manufacturing *** ***
通用设备制造业 General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing *** ***
专用设备制造业 Special Purpose Machinery Manufacturing *** ***
交通运输设备制造业 Transport Equipment Manufacturing *** ***
#汽车制造 Manufacture of Car *** ***
电气机械及器材制造业 Electric Equipment and Machinery Manufacturing *** ***
工艺品及其他制造业 Art work and Other Manufacturing Sector *** ***
电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业 Electric Power and Thermal Production and Supply *** ***
电力、热力的生产和供应业 Production and Distribution of Electric Power and Heat Power *** ***
电力生产 Production of Electric Power *** ***
  电力供应 Distribution of Electric Power  *** ***
  热力生产和供应 Production and Distribution of Heat Power *** ***
燃气生产和供应业 Gas Production and Supply *** ***
水的生产和供应业 Water Production and Supply *** ***
#自来水的生产和供应 Production and Distribution of Running Water *** ***
污水处理及其再生利用 Treatment and Recycle of Waste Water *** ***
建筑业 Construction *** ***
#房屋和土木工程建筑业 Buildings and Givil Engineering Construction *** ***
建筑安装业 Construction and Installation *** ***
交通运输、仓储及邮政业 Transportation, Storage, Post and Telecommunications Services *** ***
铁路运输业 Railway Transport *** ***
道路运输业 Road Transport *** ***
城市公共交通业 Urban Public Transport *** ***
航空运输业 Air Transportation *** ***
管道运输业 Pipeline Transport *** ***
装卸搬运和其他运输服务业 Loading, Discharging and Other Transport Services *** ***
仓储业 Storage *** ***
邮政业 Post *** ***
信息传输、计算机服务和软件业 Information Transmission, Computer Services and Software *** ***
电信和其他信息传输服务业 Telecommunication and Other Information Transmission Services *** ***
#电  Telecommunication *** ***
批发和零售业 Wholesal&Retail Trades  *** ***
批发业 Wholesale Trades *** ***
零售业 Retail Trades *** ***
住宿和餐饮业 Hotel and Catering Services *** ***
住宿业 Hotels *** ***
#旅游饭店 Tourist Restaurant *** ***
餐饮业 Catering Service *** ***
金融业 Financial Intermediation  *** ***
银行业 Banks *** ***
保险业 Insurance *** ***
其他金融活动 Other Financial Activities *** ***
房地产业 Real Estate *** ***
#房地产开发与经营业 Real Estate Development and Operation *** ***
物业管理 Real Estate Management *** ***
租赁和商务服务业 Leasing and Business Services *** ***
租赁业 Leasing *** ***
商务服务业 Business Service *** ***
#旅行社 Travel Service *** ***
科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业 Scientific Research, Technical Service and Geological Prospecting *** ***
研究与试验发展 Research and Experiment Development *** ***
专业技术服务业 Professional Technical Service *** ***
科技交流和推广服务业 Services of Science and Technology Exchanges and Promotion *** ***
地质勘查业 Geologic Prospection *** ***
水利、环境和公共设施管理业 Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public Facilities *** ***
水利管理业 Management of Water Conservancy *** ***
环境管理业 Environmental Management *** ***
公共设施管理业 Public Facilities Management *** ***
  市政公共设施管理 Public Facilities Management *** ***
  城市绿化管理 Urban Greening Management *** ***
  游览景区管理 Scenic-Spot Management *** ***
居民服务和其他服务业 Services to Household and Other Services *** ***
教 育 Education *** ***
#初等教育 Junion Education *** ***
中等教育 Secondary Education *** ***
高等教育 Senior Education *** ***
卫生、社会保障和社会福利业 Health, Social Security and Social Welfare *** ***
卫 生 Health Care *** ***
#医 院 Hospital *** ***
专科疾病防治活动 Control Over Special Diseases *** ***
疾病预防控制及防疫活动 Prevention and Control of Diseases *** ***
社会保障业 Social Security *** ***
社会福利业 Social Welfare *** ***
文化、体育和娱乐业 Culture, Sport and Entertainment *** ***
新闻出版业 Journalism and Publishing Activities *** ***
广播、电视、电影和音像业 Broadcasting,Movies,Televisionsand Audiovisual Activites *** ***
文化艺术业 Culture and Art Activities *** ***
  Sports *** ***
娱乐业 Entertainment *** ***
公共管理和社会组织 Public Management and Social Organization *** ***
中国共产党机关 Orgars of Communist Party of China *** ***
国家机构 Govemment Agencies *** ***
人民政协和民主党派 People’s Political Consultative Conference and Democratic Parties *** ***
群众团体、社会团体和宗教组织 Non-Governmental Institutions,Social Organizations and Religion Organizations *** ***
基层群众自治组织 Grassroot Self-governing Organizations *** ***
Note: a) The major category contains rural individual investment while sub-category excludes it. b) Newly Increased fixed assets includes rural areas and major categories.