嘉兴统计年鉴 2006,栏目:十一、国内贸易、对外经济与旅游>>11-10 全市星级住宿业和限额以上餐饮企业主要经济指标,共1页
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单位:万元(10 000 yuan) |
指标Item |
Funds |
存货Inventory |
固定资产Fixed Assets |
固定资产原价Original Valueof Fixed Assets |
本年折旧Depreciation 0f the
Current Year |
资产合计Total Assets |
负债合计Total Liabilities |
所有者权益合计Total Creditors
Equity |
实收资本Total Capital Hold |
2.按国民经济行业分组Grouped by Sector |
旅游饭店Tourism Hotel |
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一般旅馆General Hotel |
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其他住宿服务Other Accommodation
Services |
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二、餐饮业Catering Trade |
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其中:国有及国有控股State-owned and State Holding Majority Shares |
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1.按登记注册类型分组Grouped by Status of Registration |
国有State-owned |
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集体Collective-owned |
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Cooperative |
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联营企业Joint Ownership |
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有限责任公司Lirnited Liability
Company |
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Cooperations Ltd. |
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私营企业Private-owned |
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其他Other Enterprises |
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O |
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O |
港澳台商投资企业Owned by
Entreprencurs from HONG KONG,Macan and Taiwan |
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外商投资企业Enterprises with
Foreign Investment |
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O |
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2.按国民经济行业分组Grouped by Sector |
正餐服务业Dinner |
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快餐服务业Fast Food |
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饮料及冷饮服务业Beverage and Cold
Drink |
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其他餐饮服务业Other Catering
Trades |
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