
上海浦东新区统计年鉴 1997,栏目:6 开发小区>>6-5 金桥出口加工区引进项目的主要行业构成,共1页

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    Major Industrial Composition of Introduced Projects 
    in the Jinqiao Export Processing Zone(By the end of 1996) 
    项目数(个)     构成 投资总额(万美元)   构成
    主要行业Major Industry   Number of   Composition Total Investment   Composition
      Project     (%) (USD 10 000)     (%)
总计Total *** *** *** ***
轻工Light Industry *** *** *** ***
纺织Textile *** *** *** ***
机电Machinery and Electrical *** *** *** ***
仪表Instruments and Meters *** *** *** ***
电子通信Electronics,Communication *** *** *** ***
科技Science and Technology *** *** *** ***
房产Real Estate *** *** *** ***
医药、食品Pharmaceuticals and Food *** *** *** ***
“三产”Tertiary Industry *** *** *** ***
其他Others *** *** *** ***