上海浦东新区统计年鉴 1997,栏目:6 开发小区>>6-2 陆家嘴金融贸易区开发建设基本情况,共1页
6—2陆家嘴金融贸易区开发建设基本情况 |
Statistics for Development and Construction in the Lujiazui Finance and Trade
Zone |
单位 |
至1996年末累计 |
指标Item |
1995 |
1996 |
Accumulation at |
Unit |
Year-end of 1996 |
Development Area |
平方公里km~2 |
*** |
*** |
*** |
配套开发面积Auxiliary Development Area |
平方公里km~2 |
*** |
*** |
*** |
土地批租Land Leasing |
幅 |
*** |
*** |
*** |
转让土地面积Land Transferted Area |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
可供建筑面积Area for Construction |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
批租地块开工项目Projects Under Constrution on
Leased Land |
个unit |
*** |
*** |
*** |
二、动迁情况Relocation |
动迁居民户Households Relocated |
户Household |
*** |
*** |
*** |
动迁单位Units Relocated |
个unit |
*** |
*** |
*** |
平整场地Renovate for Ground Level |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
拆除建筑面积Floor Area Demolished |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
吸引劳动力Labor Employed |
人person |
*** |
*** |
*** |
安排养老人员The Aged for Arrangement |
人person |
*** |
*** |
三、开发建设情况Development |
大楼开工项目New Starts of Building
Construction |
个Building |
*** |
*** |
*** |
大楼建设竣工幢数Buildings Completed |
个Building |
*** |
*** |
*** |
动迁房开工面积Area of New Starts of
Replacement Housing |
*** |
*** |
*** |
动迁房竣工面积Completed Area of Replacement
Housing |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
厂房施工面积Area of Factory Buildings Under |
*** |
*** |
Construction |
厂房竣工面积Completed Area of Factory
Buildings |
*** |
*** |
电站开工个数New Starts of Power Station |
个unit |
*** |
*** |
电站竣工个数Completed Power Stations |
个unit |
*** |
*** |
*** |
绿化面积Greened-up Area |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
四、完成投资额Completed Investment |
固定资产投资完成额Completed Investment in Fixed |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
Assets |
市政建设投资Investment in Civic Construction |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
动迁房投资Investment in Replacement Housing |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |