
上海浦东新区统计年鉴 1997,栏目:5 固定资产投资和建筑业>>5-6 固定资产投资房屋建筑面积,共1页

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    Floor Space of Buildings in Fixed Assets Investment 
单位:万平方米(1996)(10 000 m~2) 
  房屋建筑面积  #基本建设  #更新改造
    类 别Indicators   Floor Space     Industrial
    of Buildings     Capital   Moderni—
施工建筑面积Floor Space Under Construction *** *** ***
厂房Factory Buildings *** *** ***
仓库Warehouses *** *** ***
商业营业用房Commerce *** *** ***
服务业用房Service *** *** ***
办公室Offices *** *** ***
住宅Residential Housing *** *** ***
  #家属宿舍Organization-Owned Housing *** *** ***
教育用房Education *** *** ***
文化、体育用房Culture and Sports *** *** ***
医疗用房Healthcare *** *** ***
科学研究用房Science and Research *** *** ***
其他Others *** *** ***
  #业务用房Business *** *** ***
竣工建筑面积Floor Space Completed *** *** ***
厂房Factory Buildings *** *** ***
仓库Warehouses *** *** ***
商业营业用房Commerce *** *** ***
服务业用房Service *** *** ***
办公室Offices *** *** ***
住宅Residential Housing *** *** ***
  #家属宿舍Organization-Owned Housing *** *** ***
教育用房Education *** *** ***
文化、体育用房Culture and Sports *** *** ***
医疗用房Healthcare ***   ***
科学研究用房Science and Research *** *** ***
其他Others *** *** ***
  #业务用房Business *** *** ***