
浙江统计年鉴 2000,栏目:4物价>>4-13 农副产品收购价格分类指数,共1页

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Purchasing Price Index of Farm Products by Category(1999) 
        1990=100     1995=100     1998=100
    项目     Item
总指数 General Purchasing Price Indices *** *** ***
粮食  Grain *** *** ***
经济作物  Economic Crops *** *** ***
  食用植物油及油料  Edible Vegetable Oil and Oil Bearing Crops *** *** ***
  棉花  Cotton *** *** ***
   Jute and Ambary Hemp *** *** ***
  烟叶  Tobaceo *** *** ***
  茶叶  Tea *** *** ***
竹木材类  Bamboo and Timber *** *** ***
  木材  Timber *** *** ***
  竹材  Bamhoo *** *** ***
禽畜产品类 Livestock Products,Poultry and Eggs *** *** ***
  肉畜  Livestock for Slaughtering *** *** ***
  禽蛋  Poultry Eggs *** *** ***
  皮张  Hides and Skins *** *** ***
  鬃毛  Bristles *** *** ***
  其他畜产品  Others *** *** ***
蚕茧蚕丝类  Silkworn Cocoons and Silk *** *** ***
干鲜果类  Dried and Fresh Fruits *** *** ***
  瓜果  Melon and Fruits *** *** ***
  干果  Dried Fruits *** *** ***
干鲜菜及调味品类  Melon and Fruits *** *** ***
  鲜菜  Fresh Vegetables *** *** ***
  干菜  Dried Vegetables *** *** ***
药材类  Crude Drugs *** *** ***
土副产品类  Local Products *** *** ***
水产品类  Aquatic Products *** *** ***