重庆统计年鉴 2000,栏目:Ⅰ 综合篇>>六、城市建设和环境保护>>6-1 城市基础设施和园林绿化,共1页
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项目 |
Item |
1998 |
1999 |
全年客运总数 (万人次) |
Total Passenger
Traffic (10 000
person-times) |
*** |
*** |
平均每日客运数 (万人次) |
Passenger Traffic Per Day (10 000 person-times) |
*** |
*** |
轮渡 |
Ferry |
年末实有轮渡总数 (艘) |
Year-end Total Ferry (vessel) |
*** |
*** |
乘客人数 (万人次) |
Passengers Traffic (10 000 person-times) |
*** |
*** |
缆车 |
Cable Car |
缆车道条数 (条) |
Number of Cable Car Lines (line) |
*** |
*** |
车辆数 (辆) |
Number of Vehicles (vehicle) |
*** |
*** |
客运量 (万人次) |
Passengers Traffic (10 000 person-times) |
*** |
*** |
客运架空索道 |
Ropeway of Building on Stilts |
索道条数 (条) |
Number of Ropeways (line) |
*** |
*** |
客车数 (辆) |
Number of Vehicles (vehicle) |
*** |
*** |
客运量 (万人次) |
Passengers Traffic (10 000
person-times) |
*** |
*** |
出租汽车 |
Taxis |
车辆数 (辆) |
Number of Vehicles (vehicle) |
*** |
*** |
八、城市自来水 |
Tap Water Supply in City |
年末自来水生产能力(万立方米/日) |
Year-end Production Capacity of Tap
Water |
*** |
*** |
*** |
年末供水管道长度 (公里) |
Year-end Length of
Water Supply Pipelines
(km) |
*** |
*** |
全市供水总量 (万立方米) |
Total Volume of Water
Supply (10 000
tons) |
*** |
*** |
#生产用 |
For Productive Use |
*** |
*** |
生活用 |
For Residential Use |
*** |
*** |
比重 (%) |
Composition |
#生产用 |
For Productive Use |
*** |
*** |
生活用 |
For Residential Use |
*** |
*** |
人均日生活用水 (升) |
Per Capita Daily Consumption of Tap
Water for |
*** |
*** |
Residential Use (liter) |
九、园林绿化 |
Parks,Gardens and Green Areas |
城市园林绿地面积 (公顷) |
Total Areas (hectare) |
*** |
*** |
建城区绿化覆盖率 (%) |
Coverage Rate of
Green Areas in Devdoped Areas |
*** |
*** |
园林苗圃面积 (公顷) |
Area of Gardens and Nurseries (hectare) |
*** |
*** |
动物园、公园个数 (个) |
Number of Parks and Zoos (unit) |
*** |
*** |
动物园、公园面积 (公顷) |
Area of Parks and Zoos (hectare) |
*** |
*** |
全年游园人次数 (万人次) |
to Parks and Zoos in the Year (10 000 person-times) |
*** |
*** |
平均每人占公共绿地面积 (平方米) |
Per Capita Average
Public Green Areas
(sq.m) |
*** |
*** |