重庆统计年鉴 2001,栏目:综合篇>>一 综合>>1-12 贫困县扶贫情况(1999-2000年),共1页
1-12贫困县扶贫情况(1999-2000年) |
指标Item |
1999 |
2000 |
贫困县基本情况 |
Basic Statistics On Indigent Counties |
贫困乡(镇)(个) |
Indigent Countries Towns)(unit) |
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贫困村(个) |
Indigent Villages(unit) |
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年末贫困人口(万人) |
Year-end Indigent Persons(10 000 persons) |
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当年脱贫困人口(万人) |
Persons Relieved from Poverty in 2000(10 000 persons) |
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扶贫开发投资额(万元) |
Investment In Anti-poverty&Development(10 000 yah) |
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实际扶贫投资额(万元) |
Actual Investment in Anti poverty(10 000 yuan) |
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扶贫成果 |
Achievements of Anti-poverty |
当年扶持贫困户数(户) |
Indigent Households Assisted in 2000(household) |
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当年扶持贫困人数(万人) |
Indigent Parsons Assisted in 2000(10 000 persons) |
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Annual Rural Per Capita Grain Owned in Indigent Caustics |
贫困县当年农村人均粮食占有量(公斤) |
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贫困县当年人均纯收入(元) |
Annual Per capita Net incomes in Indigent Counties(yuan) |
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当年新增: |
Newly Increased in 2000 |
基本农田面积(公顷) |
Basic Cultivated Areas(hectare) |
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经济林面积(公顷) |
Area of Entomic Forestry(hectare) |
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小水库蓄水量(万立方) |
Capacity of Small Reservoirs(100 000 cu.m) |
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小电站装机容量(千瓦) |
coming Capacity of Small Hydropower Stations(kw) |
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输变电线路(公里) |
Length of power Transmission Lines(km) |
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公路里程数(公里) |
Length of Highways(km) |
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Number of Persons Relieved from Drinking Difficulty(10 000 |
当年解决饮水困难人数(万人) |
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persons) |
Number of Live stocks Relieved from Drinking Difficulty 10 |
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当年解决饮水困难牲畜头数(万头) |
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社会扶贫 |
Social Ami-poverty |
社会各界参加扶贫单位数(个) |
Units Participated in Anti-poverty(unit) |
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社会各界参加扶贫人数(万人) |
People Participated in And-poverty(10000 persons) |
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