重庆统计年鉴 2003,栏目:Ⅱ 产业篇>>十 工业>>10-10 大中型工业企业经济效益指标(2002年),共1页
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指标 |
Item |
销售利润率(%) |
资本积累率(%) |
流动比率 |
速动比率 |
产权比率 |
人均实现利税(元) |
从业人员人均工资(元) |
Ratio ofProfitsto Sales |
ofAccumulatedCapital to Original Capital |
CirculatingRate |
Speed Rate |
Ratio of
Equityto Production |
CapitaPre-tax Profits(yuan) |
Per CapitaWages
ofEmployees(yuan) |
总计 |
Total |
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#国有控股企业 |
State Holding |
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按登记注册类型分 |
By Registration |
内资企业 |
Domestic-funded Enterprises |
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*** |
#国有企业 |
State-owned |
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集体企业 |
Collective-owned |
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*** |
*** |
港澳台投资企业 |
Funded by Hong Kong Macao and
Taiwan |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
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*** |
*** |
外商投资企业 |
Foreign-funded |
*** |
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*** |
按轻、重工业分 |
By Light and Heavy Industry |
轻工业 |
Light Industry |
*** |
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*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
以农产品为原料 |
Agriculture Products as Raw Materials |
*** |
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*** |
*** |
*** |
以非农产品为原料 |
Non-agriculture Products as Raw
Materials |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
重工业 |
Heavy Industry |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
采掘工业 |
Mining and Quarrying |
*** |
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*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
原料加工 |
Raw Materials Processing |
*** |
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*** |
*** |
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*** |
加工工业 |
Processing Industry |
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