
重庆统计年鉴 2004,栏目:Ⅲ 区县篇>>十八 区县(自治县、市)和开发区资料>>18-7 各区县(自治县、市)交通运输业(2003年),共1页

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区县 Region 公路客运量(万人) 公路货运量(万吨) 水运客运量(万人) 水运货运量(万吨)
Passenger Trafficby Highways(10 000 persons) Freight Trafficby Highways(10 000 tons) Passenger Trafficby Waterways(10 000 persons) Freight Trafficby Waterways(10 000 tons)
都市发达经济圈 Metropolitan Advanced Economic Sphere *** *** *** ***
渝中区 Yuzhong District *** ***
大渡口区 Dadukou District *** *** ***
江北区 Jiangbei District *** ***
沙坪坝区 Shapingba District *** ***
九龙坡区 Jiulongpo District *** *** *** ***
南岸区 Nan'an District *** *** ***
北碚区 Beibei District *** *** *** ***
渝北区 Yubei District *** *** *** ***
巴南区 Ba'nan District *** *** *** ***
渝西经济走廊 West Chongqing Economic Corridor *** *** *** ***
万盛区 Wansheng District *** ***
双桥区 Shuangqiao District *** ***
綦江县 Qijiang County *** *** *** ***
潼南县 Tongnan County *** *** *** ***
铜梁县 Tongliang County *** *** *** ***
大足县 Dazu County *** *** *** ***
荣昌县 Rongchang County *** *** *** ***
璧山县 Bishan County *** *** *** ***
江津市 Jiangjin City *** *** *** ***
合川市 Hechuan City *** *** *** ***
永川市 Yongchuan City *** *** *** ***
南川市 Nanchuan City *** ***
三峡库区生态经济区 Ecological Economic Zone in Three Gorges Reservoir Area *** *** *** ***
万州区 Wanzhou District *** *** *** ***
涪陵区 Fuling District *** *** *** ***
黔江区 Qianjiang District *** ***
长寿区 Changshou District *** *** ***
梁平县 Liangping County *** ***
城口县 Chengkou County *** ***
丰都县 Fengdu County *** *** *** ***
垫江县 Dianjiang County *** ***
武隆县 Wulong County *** *** ***
忠县 Zhongxian County *** *** *** ***
开县 Kaixian County *** *** *** ***
云阳县 Yunyang County *** *** *** ***
奉节县 Fengjie County *** *** *** ***
巫山县 Wushan County *** *** *** ***
巫溪县 Wuxi County *** *** *** ***
石柱县 Shizhu County *** *** *** ***
秀山县 Xiushan County *** *** *** ***
酉阳县 Youyang County *** *** *** ***
彭水县 Pengshui County *** *** *** ***
Note:Data of traffic at city level above are difficult to be divided by region.Data of traffic are probably repeated transregionally.