
重庆统计年鉴 2005,栏目:附录>>附录1:重庆市国民经济主要指标占全国的比重(2004年),共1页

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Appendix I:Chongqing's Main Indicators of NationalEconomy as Percentage of Whole Nation(2004) 
指标 Item 全国 重庆 重庆占全国的比重(%)
Whole Nation Chongqing Chongqing asPercentage ofWhole Nation(%)
土地面积(万平方公里) *** *** *** ***
年底总人口(万人) Year-end Population(10 000 persons) *** *** ***
年底就业人员数(万人) Year-end Employment(10 000 persons) *** *** ***
#年底职工人数     Year-end Staff and Workers *** *** ***
#第一产业     Primary Industry *** *** ***
  第二产业     Secondary Industry *** *** ***
  第三产业     Tertiary Industry *** *** ***
国内(地区)生产总值(现价)(亿元) Gross Domestic Product(current prices)(100 million yuan) *** *** ***
  第一产业     Primary Industry *** *** ***
  第二产业     Secondary Industry *** *** ***
      工业         Industry *** *** ***
      建筑业         Construction *** *** ***
  第三产业   Tertiary Industry *** *** ***
  #交通运输仓储邮电通信业         Transportation Storage Postal and Telecommunication Services *** *** ***
    批发、零售贸易和餐饮业         Wholesale and Retail Trade Catering Trade *** *** ***
工业总产值(现价)(亿元 Gross Output Value of Industry(current prices)(100 million yuan) *** *** ***
#国有及国有控股   State-owned and State Holding *** *** ***
农林牧渔业总产值(现价)(亿元) Gross Output Value of Farming Forestry Animal Husbandry and Fishery(current prices)(100 million yuan) *** *** ***
#农业     Farming *** *** ***
  林业     Forestry *** *** ***
  牧业     Animal Husbandry *** *** ***
  渔业     Fishery *** *** ***
货运量(万吨) Total Freight Traffic(10 000 tons) *** *** ***
客运量(万人次) Total Passenger Traffic(10 000 person-times) *** *** ***
邮电业务总量(亿元) Total Business Revenue of Postal and Telecommunication Services(100 million yuan) *** *** ***
社会消费品零售总额(亿元 Retail Sales of Consumer Goods(100 million yuan) *** *** ***
全社会固定资产投资额(亿元) Investment in Fixed Assets(100 million yuan) *** *** ***
#房地产开发投资     Real Estate Development *** *** ***
地方财政预算收入(亿元) Local Financial Budgetary Revenue(100 million yuan) *** *** ***
年底城乡居民人民币储蓄存款余额(亿元) Year-end Saving Deposits of RMB of Urban and Rural Residents(100 million yuan) *** *** ***
Note:a)Most of figures of whole nation in this table are primary statistics from China Statistical Summary—2005.The official figures are seen in China Statistical Yearbook—2005.
           b)Data of industry refers to state-owned industrial enterprises and non-state-owned industrial enterprises above designated size.