
重庆统计年鉴 2005,栏目:十八 卫生、体育和其他社会活动>>18-24 人民法院合同纠纷一审案件收结案情况(2003-2004年),共1页

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First Trial Cases of Contract DisputesAccepted and Settled by Courts(2003-2004) 
单位:件 (case) 
类 别 Category of Cases 收案 结案
Accepted Cases Settled Cases
2003 2004 2003 2004
合计 Total *** *** *** ***
#买卖合同 Contracts of Business *** *** *** ***
  房地产开发经营合 Contracts of Real Estate Development and Operation *** *** *** ***
  赠与合同 Contracts of Gift *** *** *** ***
  借款合同 Contracts of Loans *** *** *** ***
  租赁合同 Contracts of Leasing *** *** *** ***
  建设工程合同 Contracts of Construction Projects *** *** *** ***
  运输合同 Contracts of Transportation *** *** *** ***
  技术合同 Contracts of Technique *** ***
  知识产权合同 Contracts of Intellectual Property *** *** *** ***
  劳动争议 Labor Disputes *** *** *** ***
Note:Accepted cases include turned over from the previous year.