
新疆统计年鉴 2005,栏目:第五篇 固定资产投资>>5-19 基本建设在建项目计划总投资及完成情况,共1页

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5-19  基本建设在建项目计划总投资及完成情况 
Total Planned Investment in Capital Works under Construction and its Completion 
单位:万元 (10 000 yuan) 
  Item 2003 2004
计划总投资 Planned total Investment *** ***
自开始建设至本年底累计完成投资 Accumulated Investment from the Start of Construction to the Year-end  *** ***
#本年完成投资 Investment Completed at the end of a Year *** ***
自开始建设至本年底累计新增固定资产 New-added Fixed Asset Accumulated from start of Construction to the Year-end *** ***
自开始建设至本年底未完工程完成投资 Investment Completetd in Unfinished Works from the Start of Construction to the Year-end *** ***
全部建成尚需投资 Investment yet to be made for whole-completetd works *** ***
未完工程占用率(%) Ratio of Occupancy by Unfinished Works (%) *** ***
建设周期(年) Construction Cycle (year) *** ***