
中国统计年鉴 2003,栏目:十七、对外经济贸易>>17-9 海关进口主要商品数量和金额,共1页

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金额单位:万美元(USD 10 000) 
    品名     Item 2001 2002
  数量   金额   数量   金额
 #氯化钾 ***   Potassium Chloride(1 0 000 tons) *** *** *** ***
  尿素 *** ***   *** *** ***
  复合肥料 ***   Compound Fertilizers(10 000 tons) *** *** *** ***
原形聚乙烯 *** Polyethylene in primary Forms(10 000 tons) *** *** *** ***
原形聚丙烯 *** Polypropylene in Primary Forms(10 000 tons) *** *** *** ***
ABS树脂 *** ABS Copolymers(10 000 tons) *** *** *** ***
原形聚苯乙烯 *** Polystyrene in Primary Forms(10 000 tons) *** *** *** ***
原形聚氯乙烯 *** Polyvinyl Chloride in Primary Forms *** *** *** ***
聚酯切片 *** Slices or Chips of *** *** *** ***
     Polyethylene Terephthalate(10 000 tons)        
农药 *** Pesticides(ton) *** *** *** ***
纸及纸板(未切成形) ***  Paper and Paperboard(Unchopped in Shape)(10 000 tons) *** *** *** ***
钢材 *** Rolled Steel(10 000 tons) *** *** *** ***
铜及铜合金 *** Copper and Copper Alloys(ton) *** *** *** ***
铜材 *** Rolled Copper(ton) *** *** *** ***
铝及铝合金 *** Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys(ton) *** *** *** ***
铝材 *** Rolled Aluminum(ton) *** *** *** ***
金属加工机床 *** Machine Tools(set) *** *** *** ***
锅炉 *** Boilers(set) *** *** *** ***
电视机 *** *** *** *** *** ***
显像管 *** Cathode-ray TV Picture Tube(10 000 sets) *** *** *** ***
制冷压缩机 *** Compressors for Refrigerating Equipment *** *** *** ***
阀门 *** *** *** *** *** ***
自动数据处理   Automatic Data Proeessing Machines *** *** *** ***
  设备及其部件 ***   and Components(10 000 sets)        
有线电话或电报交换机 *** Line Telephonic or *** *** *** ***
     Telegraphic Switching Apparatus(set)        
收录机及组合音响 *** Sound Recording Apparatus(10 000 sets) *** *** *** ***
汽车和汽车底盘 *** Motor Vehicles and Chassis(unit) *** *** *** ***
 #小轿车(包括整套散件 ***   Cars(including a Complete Set ofSpare Parts)(unit) *** *** *** ***
  卡车(包括整套散件) ***  Trucks(including a Complete Set of Spare Parts)(unit) *** *** *** ***
  自卸车(包括整套散件) ***   Dump Trucks(including a Complete Set *** *** *** ***
      of Spare Parts)(unit)        
  装有引擎的底盘 ***   Chassis with Engines(unit) *** *** *** ***
汽车零件   Parts of Motor Vehicles   ***   ***
飞机 ***  Aircraft(unit) *** *** *** ***
船舶 *** Ships(unit) *** *** *** ***
复印机 *** Photo or Thermos Copying Apparatus(sets) *** *** *** ***
医疗仪器及器械   Medical Instruments and Appliances   ***   ***
机电产品    Mechanical and Electrical Products   ***   ***