
中国统计年鉴 2003,栏目:四、人口>>4-4 五次全国人口普查人口基本情况,共1页

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Basic Statistics on National Population Census 
    in 1953,1964,1982,1990 and 2000 
Data in this table excluded the population of Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan. 
指标 Item 1953 1964 1982 1990 2000
总人口(万人)   Total Population(10 000 persons) *** *** *** *** ***
      Male *** *** *** *** ***
      Female *** *** *** *** ***
  性别比     Sex Ratio *** *** *** *** ***
家庭户规模(人/户)   Average Family Size(person/household) *** *** *** *** ***
各年龄组人口(%)   Population by Age Group(%)          
  0-14岁 *** *** *** *** *** ***
  15-64岁 *** *** *** *** *** ***
  65岁及以上     65 and Over *** *** *** *** ***
民族人口(万人、%)   Nationality Population(10 000 persons,%)          
  汉族     Han Nationality *** *** *** *** ***
    占总人口比重     Percentage to Total Population *** *** *** *** ***
  少数民族     Minority Nationalities *** *** *** *** ***
    占总人口比重     Percentage to Total Population *** *** *** *** ***
每十万人拥有的各种   Population with Various Education Attainments          
  受教育程度人口(人)   Per 100 000 Persons(person)          
    大专及以上     Junior College and Above   *** *** *** ***
    高中和中专     Seniorr Secondary/Secondary Technical School   *** *** *** ***
    初中     Junior Secondary School   *** *** *** ***
    小学     Primary School   *** *** *** ***
文盲人口及文盲率   Illiterate Population and Illiterate Rate          
  文盲人口(万人)     Illiterate Population(10 000 persons)   *** *** *** ***
  文盲率(%)     Illiterate Rate(%)   *** *** *** ***
城乡人口(万人)   Population by Residence(10 000 persons)          
  城镇人口   Urban Population *** *** *** *** ***
  乡村人口   Kurat Population *** *** *** *** ***
a)Total population from population censuses includes the military personnel.Military personnel is listed as urban population in population by
b)Total population of 1953 census includes the population from indirect survey,but excludes in the nationality population and urban/rural
c)Illiterate population of 1964 census referred to people of 13 years old and over who could not read.Illiterate population of 1982,1990 and 2000
 censuses referred to people of 15 years old and over who could not read or could read very little.