云南统计年鉴 2002,栏目:九、人民生活>>9-3 主要年份人民物质文化生活水平,共1页
主要年份人民物质文化生活水平 People’s Material,Cultural and Living Level in Main Years |
项目 |
Item |
1978年 |
1990年 |
1995年 |
2000年 |
2001年 |
一、城乡居民收入 |
of Rural and Urban Residents |
农村居民家庭人均纯收入(抽样调查) (元) |
Per Capita Annual Net Income of Rural
Residents(yuan)(from sample |
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servey) |
城市居民家庭人均可支配收入(抽样调查)(元) |
Per Capita
Annual Disposable Income of Urban Residents(yuan)(from |
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sample servey) |
全部职工年平均工资 (元) |
Annual Average
Wages of All Staff and Workers(yuan) |
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二、生活消费 |
Expenditure |
居民每人每年平均消费水平 (元) |
Per Capita Annual Expenditure of
Residents(yuan) |
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居民每人每年社会消费品零售额 (元) |
Per Capita
Annual Expenditures on Retailed Consumer Goods of |
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Residents(yuan) |
三、居住面积 |
Per Capita
Floor Space of Residential Bulidings(sq.m) |
城镇居民平均每人居住 (平方米) |
Urban Residents |
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农村居民平均每人居住(抽样调查) (平方米) |
Rural Residents(from sample servey) |
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*** |
四、交通 |
Traffic |
城镇每百户拥有自行车 (辆) |
Number of Bicycles per 100 Urban
Househoids |
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*** |
城市每万人拥有公共车辆(城市年报) (辆) |
Number of Buses per 10 000 Persons in
Cities(from city year reports) |
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*** |
五、邮电、通讯 |
Postal and
Telecommunication Services |
每万人拥有电话机 (部) |
Number of Telephones per 10 000 Persons |
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*** |
每人每年函件交寄 (件) |
Per Capita Annual Number of Letters
Mailed(piece) |
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*** |
六、储蓄 |
Savings |
城乡居民储蓄存款余额 (亿元) |
Annual Outstanding Balance of Savings
Deposits of Rural and Urban |
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Residents(100 million yuan) |
平均每人储蓄存款余额 (元) |
Per Capita
Annual Outstanding Balance of Savings Deposits(yuan) |
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七、文化 |
Culture |
城镇每百户拥有彩色电视机 (台) |
Number of Color TV Sets per 100
Households in Urbann Areas |
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农村每百户拥有电视机 (台) |
Number of TV Sets per 100 Households in
Rural Areas |
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*** |
每百人每天拥有报纸 (份) |
Daily Number of Newspapers per 100
Persons(piece) |
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每人每年拥有图书、杂志 (册) |
Per Capita
Annual Number of Books and Magazines(copy) |
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广播人口覆盖率 (%) |
Covering Rate of Population(%) |
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电视人口覆盖率 (%) |
TV Covering
Rate of Population(%) |
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八、教育 |
Education |
学龄儿童入学率 (%) |
Enrollment Ratio of School-age
Children(%) |
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*** |
每万人口中在校大学生数 (人) |
Number of
University Students per 10 000 Persons(person) |
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九、卫生 |
Public Health |
每万人拥有医院病床数 (张) |
Number of Hospital Beds per 10 000
Persons |
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每万人拥有医生数 (人) |
Number of Doctors per 10 000
Persons(person) |
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*** |
十、就业 |
Employment |
城镇每一就业者负担人数(包括就业者本人)(人) |
Number of Dependents per Urban
Employee(including the employee |
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himself or herself)(person) |
Note:a.The per capita net income of
peasants in 1990 can not be compared with that of historic recods,because a
part of the net income which |
注:1.1990年农民人均纯收入农民自用部分按新价计算,故与历年不可比。 |
spent by themselves is caculated at current
prices. |
2.“每人每年拥有图书杂志”系我省出版数。 |
b.The per capita annual number of books and magazies is the
number issued in Yunnan. |