


  • 年鉴年份:2017
  • 主编:康玲 总编
  • 主编单位:青海省统计局;国家统计局青海调查总队
  • 出版者:中国统计出版社
  • 出版日期:2017.08
  • ISBN:978-7-5037-8250-3
  • 内容简介
    Qinghai Statistical Yearbook 2017 is an annual statistical publication,whichreflects comprehensively the economic and social development of Qinghai.It coversdata for 2016 in various aspects of economic and social statistics,at the same time,in-creases information of resources and environmental changes reflected economic and so-cial harmonious development.
    The Yearbook contains twenty-three chapters:Special Articles,General Sur-vey,National Accounts,Population,Employment and Wages,Investment in Fixed As-sets,Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation,Energy and Environment,GovernmentFinance,Prices,People's Living Conditions,Agriculture,Industry,Construction,Transport,Postal and Telecommunication,Domestic Trade,Tourism,Financial Inter-mediation,Education,Science and Technology,Public Health and Social Services,Culture and Sports,Public Management,Social Security and Others,Main EconomicIndicators of Different Regions of the Country.
    Notations used in the yearbook:“…” indicates that the figure is not large enoughto be measured with the smallest unit in the table;(blank space) indicates data areunknown,or are not available;“#” indicates a major breakdown of the total.Whenreaders use statistical information,they should be based in this Yearbook if there isdifference from this Yearbook.
    The “Yearbook” is outcome of joint efforts of Qinghai Bureau of Statistics andSurvey Organization of National Bureau of Statistics,is fruit of the hard work of majori-ty of statistics cadres on all fronts of the province,and is the crystallization of collec-tive wisdom.In editing and publishing,printing,distribution process,the yearbookhas received great support from China Statistics Press,many units and comrades.Weacknowledge their help to the book.
    Qinghai Statistical Yearbook has received concern and support of the readers athome and abroad for the content and edit of the Yearbook of many valuable suggestionssince published,which we are grateful.Because of our limited level,Mistakes are in-evitable.Welcome people from all walks of life to give us the criticism and correctionfor our inadequacies at any time in order to help us further enhance and improve theeditorial level of statistical yearbook,and served readers better.
    Qinghai Statistical Yearbook 2017 Editorial Board
  • 页数:544
  • 字数(千字):1100
  • 定价:400.00