


  • 年鉴年份:2016
  • 主编:李赪 总编
  • 主编单位:云南省统计局
  • 出版者:中国统计出版社
  • 出版日期:2016.09
  • ISBN:978-7-5037-7903-9
  • 内容简介
    Ⅰ.Yunnan Statistical Yearbook 2016 is an annual statistics reference book which fully reflects thenational economy and social development in Yunnan province.The present yearbook covers comprehensive datain each city,county and prefecture in 2015 as well as some key data in significant years of the whole province.
    Ⅱ.After revision,this book contains the following eighteen parts:1.Provincial survey;2.Economies;3.Investment in Fixed Assets;4.Urban and Rural Consumption;5.Public Finance:6.Foreign Trade;7.Agriculture and Country;8.Industry and Energy;9.Construction and Real Estate;10.Transport andCommunications Industry;11.Banking and Insurance;12.Tourism;13.Education,Science and Technologyand Culture;14.Public Health,Sports and Social Services;15.Population and Employment;16.Resourcesand Environment;17.Survey of National Autonomous Area;18.Survey of Intra-county Economies.
    Ⅲ.Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators are provided at the end of each part to describe thecontent,scope and method of provincial statistical indicators briefly.The major data in this publication areobtained from annual statistical reports.It is advisable to note in the reference that the sum of data of eachcity,county and prefecture may not correspondingly equal the total of the whole province in some statisticalindicators due to different statistical ranges and investigation methods.As for changes of statistical ranges,therelevant data are adjusted and explained accordingly in the present yearbook.
    Ⅳ.The units of measurement used in this book are international standard measurement units issued by thestate.Notations used in this yearbook,“(Blank)” indicates that the data are not available;or refers to numbersof minimum units or refers to numbers which are not in detail."#" indicates that the major items of the total.
    Ⅴ.Thanks for the great support and attention given by party members and governments at each level,andcolleagues who participate in this editing work.In order to perfect the yearbook and meet the requirementsof the society better,comments from various readers are highly appreciated.At the same time,readers arewelcome to correct our mistakes made in this book.
  • 页数:605
  • 字数(千字):1000
  • 定价:468.00