


  • 年鉴年份:2014
  • 主编:王宏,李强 主编
  • 主编单位:国家海洋局
  • 出版者:海洋出版社
  • 出版日期:2015.03
  • ISBN:978-7-5027-9119-3
  • 内容简介
    I·China Marine Statistical珍arbook(2014)15 a data almanac which reflects inan
    all一round way the develoPmeni of marine eeonomy)marine management and servieein
    the PeoPle’5 RePublie of China in 2013,and it 15 a Chinese一English bilingual edition.
    11.The Yearbook,5 statisties cover the Produetion and aetivities in the marine and
    eoastal areas in relation to the develoPment,management and utilization of marine
    resources and sPaee,and the develoPmeni of marine soeioeconomy.The regions eovered
    are the coastal regions,eoastal eities and eoastal zones with eoastlines,whlch are
    arranged in order aeeording to the Coastal Administrative Areas Class访cation and Codes
    (HY/T 094一2006).
    111.The data in the yearbook eonsist of 1 1 seetions,namely, integrated data,marine
    eeono而e aeeounting,major marine industrial aetivities,Produetion eapaeity of major
    roarine industries,ocean一related emPloyment,marine scienee and teehnology, marine
    edueation,marine environmental Protection,marine administration and Publie一good
    serviee,national and eoastal soeioeeonomyi Part of the world‘5 marine eeonomic
    stalistics data.
    IV. The Yearbook 15 based on theM改rine Statistics RePortsy‘tem(Guotongzhi
    【2012]No.50)and the Oeean Gross ProduetAecounting匀)s tem(Guotongzhi【2013」No.
    93),its data mainly come from the statistical bureaus and the oceanic administrations of
    the coastal Provinees,autonomous regions,and rnunieiPalities direetly under the Central
    Govern力以ent as well as the 20 oeean一related ministries,bureaus and general corporations
    V Unless otherwise sPeeified in the Yearbook,all the value Indicators are givenat
    the eurrent Priee.ExeePt for those noted in years,all the others are the data of2013.Eaeh
    seetion 15 attached by exPlanatory notes to the major marine statistieal indicators,giving
    a brief exPlanation for the meaning,statistieal range and statistieal methods ofthe major
    marine statistieal indieators.Other notes to the statistieal data are listed below the tables.
    For the data with eoniinued tables,annotations,if anyi are Put below the last table.
    Vl.Sinee the data oftheThirdNationalEeonomieCensusareSti1lunderreviewand
    aceurQulation,the relevant data in the chapters of National and Coastal Soeioeeonomy
    and Marine Eeono而e Aeeounting are the Preliminary aeeouniing numbers.
    Vll.The usage of symbols in the tables:“…“indieates the statisties smaller than the
    一3一而nirnur以ealeulation unit in the table;“Blank‘,indicates that the dala of the statistical
    index isu记mown for the time being or that there 15 not sueh data available;‘,#尸‘indieates
    the major items of the table;Other symbols,sueh as“*尸,or“①“,Indieate“see footuotes
    Vlll.For reasons of digital aeeuraey, there 15 small differenee between the sum of
    values of some subterms after having been rounded off and the total values.
    IX.The domestie Part of the、飞arbook does not inekide that of Hong Kong SPecial
    Administrative Region,Maeau SPeeial Administrative Region and Taiwan Provinee.
    X.In the course of editing China人匆rl’ne Statistieal Yearbook, we enjoyed energetie
    suPPort from the various dePartments eoneemed and we hereby extend our heartfelt
    thanks to them.Criticisms and eolr比nenis are weleome from readers on any of the
    oversights and inapProPriateness as the time for editing 15 too short.
    Editorial DePartmeni of
    ChinaM丽ne SlatistiealY七arbook
  • 页数:295
  • 字数(千字):495
  • 定价:168.00